We have put together this page to provide links to the most up to date information about coronavirus from official Government and NHS sources.
We have also included useful links to groups and activities that you and your family may find helpful while you are at home over the coming weeks.
This page will be updated on an ongoing basis so please check back regularly.
Useful information
Things to do while at home
If you’re on Facebook: there are many new groups starting up to help families share ideas of things to do during the ‘lockdown’ – simply type ‘ lockdown tips’ into your Facebook search bar to find them and join as you wish. Here’s one to get you started: ‘Family Lockdown Tips and Ideas’.
Zoo and wildlife cams
You may not be able to visit zoos and wildlife parks at the moment, but many around the world have set up cams so that you can watch your favourite animals from the comfort of your own home:
Free virtual tours of world museums, educational sites and galleries for children: